This is my sixth form magazine I did a Front cover and a double page spread for my audience of students age 15-18 and thinking of joining a sixth form.
I choose the font because its clear but stylish to appeal to young people i choose to do a kind of shadow text to make it more appealing. i did a bit of text down the side to give a taster to the magazine i have seen this on other magazines i have reasearched.
i put a blue background to appeal to most genders, i tryed other colours like purple and green but i decided they leaned more towards one gender. Blue is a colour that is almost neutral between genders.
I took this picture of 2 sixth form students being smiley and happy to encourage people to come to sixth form because it's a happy environment. I did one main image like on other teen magazines i looked at. I feathered some smaller images in at the bottom of people working to have a quick glance of what is inside the magazine and also to have the students at work. I feathered it to make it more attractive to the younger audience.

For the double page spread i choose the same font and same shadowing on text to have a 'house style'. The green background is quite neutral and the green and purple text contrasts to stand out from the other black and white text to seperate the subjects.
I did a school based agony aunt with a mad professor. The 'fun facts' are funny and some celebrity based to appeal to the audience. This section of the magazine also allows audience interation.